Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Distinction Between Wireless and Broadband Internet

Broadband is a high-speed internet access that allows users to enjoy faster data transmission at a speed greater than 200 Kilobits per second (Kbps), either upstream, downstream or even both at times. Broadband is used when one is referring to a high-speed internet connection that uses fiber optic cables instead of the copper telephone line connection. Wireless internet on the other hand simply means the internet connection that your computer uses does so without having to use any wires or physical medium, just as the name suggests.

The signals of wireless internet can vary greatly in strength depending on a number of factors. Wireless internet is usually used with DSL or cable connections since they are fast enough for easy connections. DSL mainly stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is important to note that broadband is not really a product but a technology to enable you to have faster internet connection. It is mainly used to access high-speed internet, in order to offer the user the much-needed convenience. Smartphones are examples of cell phones that are known to be wireless devices, although not all of them are Wi-Fi-capable.

The tablet PC uses wireless technology too and they are quite effective. A share broadband connection is used for wireless internet. On the other hand, broadband internet provides a direct connection for devices to the internet. It does this by simply using the mobile 3G network over an extensive geographical region. The mobile broadband will refer to the 3G network normally used by cell phones or any other mobile broadband enabled devices. The 3G wide area network transmits and receives data over great distances quite efficiently. Wireless internet has varying speeds that can even be as high as 150 Mbps.

As for broadband internet, the 3G network has an average of about 1 Mbps and this depends largely on the carrier. You should note that for both wireless and mobile broadband connections, the strength of signal will definitely affect the speed at which data is transferred. When comparing coverage between the wireless internet and broadband internet you will find that Wi-Fi connections are quite limited as defined mainly by the range of wireless gateway that sends the signal. Broadband on the other hand covers a large area and its limitations could only be defined by the coverage area of the mobile company.

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