Monday, October 17, 2011

Android Tablets vs iPads

The competition between the Android tablet and the iPad is quite intense, owing to the fact that both Smartphones are increasingly becoming eye-catching option for many consumers. The Android tablet has seen its market share increase by 22% in one quarter of a year. This is a ten-fold leap per quarterly session, meaning that more and more customers are diverting from different forms of liking to actually using the tablet. The iPad is increasingly achieving popularity, considering the fact that several million iPads were shipped all over the world in one quarter of 2010. The fight between the tablet and the iPad intensified though the release of the Google Android 3.0 and the Honeycomb, which are yet to shake the possibilities of the Android being a competitor in the Smartphone mobile industry.

The iPad offers unmatched features in terms of video quality, touch screen effects, 3G connection to the internet, as well as the graphics that the cell phones contain. The tablets from Google are best when it comes to comparing the power that the main system has. This means that the users of the tablets have amazingly high numbers of applications that they can use on their devices. Games, video formats, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth capabilities and other features are far more stable in the tablets than in any other kind of Smartphone. One of the disadvantages that the iPad has over the tablet is that the iPad does not come with a digital camera, nor does it come with a USB port option. The tablet boasts of the ability to multitask, just as simply as it can be for the iPad, yet it is a cheaper option compared to the iPad.

Going down to the specifics that cell phones have, the iPad boasts a screen that is roughly 10.0 to 10.2 inches. This comes as a great advantage in that the user has a wide area in which he can view all the features of the application. The Android Tablet is meant to fit in one’s palm. This might come as a slight disadvantage, as viewing the features in the applications may become a bit less user friendly.  The operating systems used are of different versions, meaning that little comparison can be made. The same also goes for their cost. They operate in different fields of use, even if they possess similar characteristics. It would be hard to point a finger at which of Android phones or the iPad phone would be the favorite for a handset.

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