Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are there such things as free phones?

With the ever-growing demand for New Cell Phone and as Cell Phone Plans popularity grows with every new dawn, and as service providers are coming up with ideas to buy or win over their respective markets. Among some of these strategies are the offerings of brand new phones upon subscription to a certain preset call plan or strategy. The million dollar question ringing on a subscribers mind is whether these Free Cell Phones offers are free or even real. Below are a variety of things to consider before you ultimately decide to grab or indulge in any of those tempting offers out there.

Fact is that the companies offering the phones can virtually afford to offer the phones because they have an assurance that they are going to be doing or indulging in business with you for a certain time probably, 12-24 months. Reason is the only set way to land your hands on these free phones is by landing a contract with the provider. The contract binds you to that provider for the time stated in the contract. With the contract at hand or simply by signing the contract, you agree to pay for the service providers services for the specified time regardless of whether you use the services or not.

Most valuable thing to get in your mind is that there are many providers out there competing for customers and, therefore, vying for customer domination. This gives you an advantage over the providers as you have the ability to choose or simply put, you have the freedom to choose from whom you want to receive your communication and data services. A trick these companies utilize is the offering of these new phones in the attempt to get more or new customers and, therefore, building on their market influence.

Also, choosing of the cell phone service provider should not at all be predetermined by whom or which company creates a provision for the longest free minutes. Choice of the provider should be determined by who among the providers, provides the best deals when it comes to service provision. Some important factors are reliability and the quality of the service. Factors such as terms of contract with the inclusion of a myriad of features, such as call waiting and call roaming should also play a crucial role in your decision making process.

Upon weighing the different concepts, you may find that buying the cell phone from a certain company makes more monetary sense than buying it from another company. Remember, it is all about the value for money. If the phones are free, the free part comes with very many strings attached.

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