Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Acquire Free Cell Phones

The mobile phone has become one of the world’s most important gadgets. The mobile phone industry and the network service industry are fast becoming one of the biggest in the world, because virtually everyone in the developing and developed world has a handset. The mobile phone makes life easier because human beings need to communicate with one another all the time. With the inception of the smartphone, there is a new breed of mobile technology that is hitting hard on the market. With handsets such as the BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Curve phones, the iPhone 4, the Samsung Galaxy S2, the Nokia N-series and the new releases from HTC, Sony Ericsson and LG, there is widespread competition throughout this industry.

The competition goes way beyond manufacturing new and high-tech phones. There is a need to reach out to the end user and offer a deal that can’t be resisted. The above mentioned companies are huge, thus, the phones tend to be quite expensive. The network providers will therefore have to come in and break a more viable deal with both the manufacturers and the consumers. On the consumer’s side, they are provided with contracts through which they can acquire the mobile phone of their choice, and for a subsidized amount, they are bound to subscribe to their network for a period time, normally of one to two years or so. Such deals are common in many countries, and thereby results in increase of sales for many manufacturers.

Free cell phones are offered for signing up for these contracts, and will go a long way in making the industry attract more people. The most common of these deals is through the Internet. Many of the service providers have put up websites about their merchandise, and on these sites, there are slots for purchasing some of their services. There are contracts laid down for anyone to view on the sites and when one makes the choice to sign in with them, the mobile phone may be assigned.

The other place one can acquire such a phone is by walking into the network dealer shops, which are located in most urban cities and asking for their catalog. One needs to be careful enough to read through these contracts, so they can really know what the contract requirements are for the free phones. Free phones provide better solutions for those who cannot afford a high-end phone and makes the dream of owning such a phone come true. 

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