Thursday, February 9, 2012

Practical Functions of the Cell Phone

Since it was first introduced, the cell phone has evolved at a remarkable rate. Some of the high-quality phones existing today have practical capabilities that surpass that of even some computers. It’s no wonder then that every year more than five hundred million cell phones are sold. Over four billion people in the world own cell phones from the world’s economic giants to the poorest of nations. All of us are now fully aware that the cell phone has become more than just a communication device. Cell phones have numerous practical functions nowadays from the seemingly small to the main ones. 

A cell phone can not only be useful in talking and texting, but can also be used for making videos, emailing and taking and sending photos. Cell phones are used at length by billions of people in the globe, including school kids, engineers, service member and the common people. A modern-day cell phone is not only great for everyday activities, it is also great for entertainment. This is as a result of its wonderful features, such as music and video playback, internet access, FM radio, cameras, games and so much more. 

Cell phones can also prove useful when we get lost or are in an unfamiliar area. This is because of a feature called GPS tracking. Cell phones are also useful in that they help keep our life organized. The address book and contact list serves as our social interface. Rather than loose contact with our friends and relatives, this feature helps us to stay in touch. A cell phone also has a calendar, which can be used to plan out your weekly, monthly or even yearly schedule. You can also use a cell phone as a notepad to remind you of things. 

In addition, experts are now developing a cell phone system that can be used in medical science. This is through the use of a Bluetooth protocol to develop a real and generic time system of internet telemedicine, which makes use of high frequency of radio to cure patients. The necessary setup has been done and they have already tested a number of volunteers with promising results. Experts perform the tests by recording electrocardiograms of various persons continuously. This internet telemedicine system requires a cell phone that has 96 percent uptime, 3.3k bit/s of data and 8.5 error rate.  

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