Thursday, February 2, 2012

Technology for Learning Institutions

Schools are fundamental institutions in any country and they need to be considered as such. This is where future leaders of the country nurture and harness their skills. It is for this reason that education needs to be made as interesting and as effective as possible. Teachers have a huge responsibility and are expected to encourage learning and the exchange of ideas, while at the same time enabling students to be independent thinkers. There is technology that can be applied to schools to make education not only more interesting, but effective as well.

Many schools perceive cell phones to be a distraction to students. There is good cause for this perception, as teenagers are prone to texting in class rather than being attentive. Cell phones can, however, be used for a good cause in schools. First, they can allow students to have access to their teachers after school. If children are having trouble with their homework, they should be able to reach their teacher or fellow students to seek clarification of the task at hand. It has also been noted that a lot of the problems that affect learning in schools occur outside of the school compound. Students should be able to reach a school counselor or a trusted teacher if they are having problems and need someone to confide in.

Tablet PCs are also a great addition to schools. Schools that have already incorporated them in learning are already seeing their benefits. Tablet PCs can be used by teachers to seek clarification or additional points on a subject. This handheld device can be easily carried around, as it is less bulky than a laptop or personal computer. Students can also use a Tablet PC to conduct research; and it can be fun to use. This is effective in changing a student’s mentality that school is boring.

Wireless internet is also a great addition to any school. It can help students gain access to a huge array of information that can be found on the World Wide Web; and is a great tool for research. It is also great in the sense that students can access information from anywhere within the school and this will allow them to bring their laptops and Tablet PCs to school, especially to institutions of higher learning.

There is a dire need to seriously incorporate technology into learning as it  is a great means of ensuring that students get the best out of their education while at school.

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