Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Features of the Android 4.0

The popular system just got better, and both users and developers can find improved functionality and performance on all Android phones. The first thing you see is obviously the user interface (UI). Compared to previous versions, the new UI is more intuitive, easy to use and has a definite modern image. 

Managing your apps and folders is also easier. Whether you want to install or uninstall an application, simply drag it and additional info will appear. For those who like to use texting a lot, you now get a spell-checking tool, better keyboard and suggestion for the times words are misspelled or other mistakes arise. 

Perhaps one of the most important features a smartphone can have is multitasking. In this regard, new Android phones are unrivalled. With the Recent Apps, you can view what apps are running at any time. If you’re unhappy with one it can be dismissed easily with just a swipe. It also comes with a built-in GPS and Near Field Communication support. No competitor has that.

And now comes the best part; most devices that will be using this OS will also be 4G phones. In case you missed out on the latest tech developments, this means much higher speeds, which in turn translate to never-before seen short times on loading everything. 

There are a few downfalls to Android phones. First is the number of apps available, which is lower for Androids and their quality is also not as good as others. Secondly, even with all the improvements the display quality is still inferior to its competition. Also, while Android 4G phones have stunning speeds, listening to 4G radios really devours the battery. 

The bottom line, however, is that features, speed, design and all that can’t even begin to compare to personal taste.

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